Green Room Repair Items

What should you have in the masquerade green room to make those emergency repairs that are frequently needed? Several costumers responded with suggestions.

What sorts of things should a well-supplied Green Room contain? What have you folks found most helpful in the past? What are some things you do or see a lot that really aren't useful to have?
I had safety pins, StaticGuard, trail mix, and drinking straws, and the hotel kept water and cups readily available. I meant to have a hot glue gun available, but forgot the glue sticks and a tray to keep it from getting messy.

Carole Parker Den mom of more than 20 years

Nora Mai
Glue is good but none of these dry quickly. E6000 can be terribly messy. For Hot Glue I'd recommend the lo-temp if possible - less injuries with that. And NO super-glue. It doesn't work that well and can cause awful problems.

Steve Swope
I'll respectfully disagree here. Super glue is not the solution for all glueing problems, but there are times when it is the one that is best. And besides, it's not as if it takes up a lot of space.

Aurora Celeste
Since glue is the topic, I thought I'd put up a link to my favorite glue website:
Cool information, and it's worked for me so far.`

JoAnn Abbott
Duct Tape

See Also:
Green Room Food
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