Supporting Wings

Heather Stern
Use a padded connective area - it could probably be attached in more permanent and comfortable fashion to a bodice back or harness of some sort.

The most effective way to do this would either be to separate the wing-pairs and attach the wing to the harness/bodice separately, or to use strong fat ribbon to wrap the center "spine" and then stitch it down to your harness. I keep saying bodice because I can more easily make a bodice than really think of a minimal strap-harness, and it looks less silly to me (maybe it's all those ren-faires).

                       \            )
			\ wings|   /
                          ========    <---- spine bound in fat ribbon

Velcro is right out -- any wings with enough fabric on them to look good will be far heavier than velcro can deal with.

Lisa Ashton
Make a harness that the wings attach to that you wear on your back, under the dress. I use old corsets/foundation garments from thrift stores and modify them.

Bamboo is pretty light and could be used to good effect to make undersupport for wings. If you can find some growing, it's free. It can be painted. I've also used coat hangers ( you do need tools to bend them with, and to twist them together) and they can be covered with gauze or old pantyhose.

PVC pipe is very good to make "holders" for the rods, and it can be made into a backpack that ccan be worn.

Dawn McKechnie
I find the manor in which I get the most lightweight and comfortable wings is to fashion a harness from alumanium, which I fasten to the body under the clothing involved with thin stretchable velcro strapping, (for once one size does fit all!). I have made the wings, (jointed, folding, and articulated) with folded, trimmed alumanium and jewlery wire skeletons, and (non-jointed, non articulated) with ultralight fiberglass poles which I get at a good price from the local camping supply store.

If you have any further information to share about this topic, please e-mail Carole Parker for inclusion.

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