You Know You Have Been...

by Jane Beckman

Here's an amusing observation on the Joan of Arc movie that's been on the telly.
( Can be applied to most any historical movie. - Editor )

You know you've been a history buff and costumer too long when...

  1. You spot the knitted and painted chainmail and brigantine armour.

  2. You wonder why none of the horses have armour on.

  3. You ask "Why do they keep calling her "Joan" and not "Jeanne." If they're going to use all the French terms, they could at least call her "Jeanne."

  4. You realize they wouldn't have had pews in churches of that era. It would have been bare stone floors.

  5. You don't buy the commander's explanation of why the French lost at Agincourt (horses got stuck in the mud) because you've read the accounts and analysis of Agincourt.

  6. You are relieved to find that only the folks at Court are wearing Burgundian fashions, and the rest of the populace are actually dressed in older styles.

  7. You start comparing the fashions at the French court with those in Germany and Italy.

  8. You ask why none of the peasants are armed with farm implements, and no one has maces, axes, pikes, or bill hooks. (Everyone either has a sword or a long/cross bow.)

  9. You wonder why they didn't at least hire some S.C.A. folks who know how to do proper battle combat and even look right.

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